Sixties North Sea Trawling

One of my first assignments, after leaving the Regent Street Polytechnic School of Photography, involved spending a month on a North Sea trawler in the height of winter.
It was a memorable experience. I lived and worked with the eight-man crew in the cramped conditions of a small trawler.
They were all wonderful. Very cooperative and even slightly sympathetic during my frequent bouts of seasickness. I had never realised how many positions a small boat in high seas could get into at the same moment!
At that time, being fairly hard up, I was using aMiranda, single lens reflex. Although not expensive, as such cameras go, it survived everything the seas threw at it and produced more than 2,000 black-and-white images. Here are some of my favourites. You can others, covering a wide range of subjects, in my new book The Way It Was – A Photographic Journey Through 60s Britain. Details on this website.